Langarth, Truro

Project images above courtesy of Thrive.

Stadium - Outline planning permission for a change of use from agricultural to open space and erection of a 10,000 person stadium (D2) including ancillary office and hospitality floorspace and hotel (C1) and infrastructure.

Mixed use – Outline planning application for mixed use development comprising circa 1,500 dwellings (C3), restaurant (A4), retail floorspace (A1), hotel (C1), employment floorspace (B1/B8), care home (C2), park and ride extension (sui generis), primary school, community space (D1) and public open space and infrastructure.

West Langarth Mixed use - Outline mixed use proposal for retail (Use Class A1) with associated petrol filling station and car parking (providing space for mobile library), food and drink (Use Classes A3, A4 and A5) / day nursery (Use Class D1) and residential (Use Class C3) alongside the provision of a community and sports facility (Use Classes D1 and D2), public open space (including formal playing pitch provision), and other associated infrastructure (inclusive of linkage to consented Langarth/Stadium sites). [Means of access to be determined only]

Outcome:Planning Permission Granted at Local Level